This page is supplemental to the Peace By Jesus
website and deals mainly with Biblical apologetics (apologetics means "giving
an answer"). However, this blog is mainly posts of some of my responses on other blogs and sites. I am not a lettered "professional," but by the grace of God I seek to provide some help regarding challenges to the Christian faith. May God receive the honor He alone is worthy of.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Things the New Testament church did not manifestly believe or practice, as seen in Scripture
Distinctive Catholic teachings are not manifest in the only wholly inspired substantive authoritative record of what the NT church believed (which is Scripture, in particular Acts through Revelation, which best shows how the NT church understood the gospels).
A church that believed that being the instrument and steward of
Divine revelation, and inheritor of Divine promises of God's presence
and preservation, and having historical decent, makes such the
infallible interpreter of Scripture, and without whose sanction one
cannot have authority.
They could not believe that, as the church began contrary to the Catholic premise, but in dissent from the very magisterium who sat in the seat of Moses, (Mt. 23:2), Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth
the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the
law, and the service of God,
and the promises." (Romans 9:4)
And they had listened to a holy anointed man in the desert who eat insects, and taught God is able to raise
up children unto Abraham from stones." (Matthew 3:9) And they believed an itinerant Preacher from Galilee who did not have the sanction of the magisterium, and who rejected Him. (Mk. 11:27-33) But who established His claims upon Scriptural
substantiation, in text and in power, as did the apostles and early
church. (Mt.
22:23-45; Lk.
2:14-35; 4:33;
15:19; 2Cor.
12:12, etc.)
A magisterium whose office was perpetually assured never to err
whenever it universally spoke on faith and morals. And which
infallibly declared that it was, as per Rome, and led by a supreme
pope whose successors as individuals had the same unique charism.
an infallible magisterium is necessary to be the steward of Divine
revelation and fulfill the promise of preservation is not Scriptural,
but is an ecclesiastical extrapolation by Catholics. We know that
Acts 15 issued Divine binding judgment because it was solidly based
on Scriptural substantiation, and was recorded in Scripture.
A pope who was elected by voting, not the OT method of casting lots,
and which thus was often the result of included bribery, political
intimidation, and centuries of Italian superiority, and immoral men
who would be qualified to be or remain a church member, let alone an
apostolic successor. "And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord,
which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of
these two thou hast chosen,” “And they gave forth their
lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the
eleven apostles. " (Acts 1:24,26)
A corporate church that looked to a pope in Rome as its first supreme
infallible head to be perpetuated, or any exhortation or command to
the churches to submit to Peter as its supreme head, or such a title
being give him confirming him as the rock upon which the church was
built, as Rome contends (without the “unanimous consent of the
fathers”). A most conspicuous absence in the light of the type
of cardinal importance Rome shows.
one had asked a Christian in the year 100, 200, or even 300 whether
the bishop of Rome was the head of all Christians, or whether there
was a supreme bishop over all the other bishops and having the last
word in questions affecting the whole Church, he or she would
certainly have said no." (Jesuit Father theologian, and
professor of church history Klaus Schatz, in “Papal Primacy,”
p. 3)
was first in rank and in initial use among the 12, and did exercise a
general pastoral role, and was first to use the “keys.”
Yet Paul could state, "for in nothing am I behind the very
chiefest apostles, though I be nothing." (2 Corinthians 12:11)
The extensive attributes for a “pope
Paul” have even been listed in a tongue-in-cheek response
to RC attempts to exalt Peter above that which is written. And who
listed Peter as second among them who them “which were of
reputation,” “who seemed to be pillars.” (Gal.
for Peter being rock upon which the church is built, besides that
interpretation not having "unanimous consent" of the fathers (which is
spun to mean something other than what the term conveys) for what its
worth, that the Lord Jesus is the rock of Peter's confession upon
which the church is built is one of the most abundantly confirmed
teachings in the Bible (petra: Rm.
9:33; 1Cor.
10:4; 1Pet.
2:8; Rev.
4:3) or "stone" (lithos) (Mat.
21:42; Mk.12:10-11;
20:17-18; Acts.
4:11; Rm.
9:33; Eph.
2:20) as stated by Peter himself. (1Pet.
2:4-8; cf. Dt
32:4, Is.
The mention of any successors to the original apostles (James: Acts
12:2) besides Judas, he being elected to preserve the
twelve apostles, (Acts
1:16-26; cf. Rev.
A separate sacerdotal class of clergy titled "priests - a word
never used distinctly for any pastor, in distinction with the Jews,
and the only time it is used for anyone in the NT church it is for
the general priesthood of all believers. (1Pt. 2:9) "For this
cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the
things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, ...For a
bishop must be blameless..." (Titus 1:5,7)
A clergy that differentiated between bishops and elders, and with
grand titles ("Most Reverend Eminence," “Very
Reverend,” “Most Illustrious and Most Reverend Lord,”
“His Eminence Cardinal,” “The Most Reverend the
Archbishop,” etc.) and also made distinct by their ostentatious
pompous garb. (Matthew 23:5-7)
And likewise with a pope enthroned
like a Caesar, with his subjects bowing down to him and kissing his
feet." "And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and
fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter took him
up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man." (Acts 10:25-26)
Required (with rare exceptions) clerical celibacy, which presumes all
such have that gift. "A bishop then must be blameless, the
husband of one wife, ..One that ruleth well his own house, having his
children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how
to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
" (1 Timothy 3:2,4,5) "For I would that all men were even
as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after
this manner, and another after that. " (1 Corinthians 7:7)
A separate class of believers called “saints,” or the
mention of the postmortem location of the saints being in purgatory
with the Lord. (Lk.
24:43; 2Cor.
5:8; Phil.
1:23; 1Thes.
The practice of praying
to the departed, and the hyper exaltation of and devotion
to Mary above that which is written; (1Cor.
The practice of baptizing infants. Infants cannot fulfill the stated
requirements for baptism, (Acts 2:38; 8:36,37) and the NT
conspicuously provides zero examples of this supposedly critical
practice, and where there is any description of household baptisms,
what is supported is that the baptized could hear. "But when
they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of
God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and
women. " (Acts 8:12) "And they spake unto him the word of
the Lord, and to all that were in his house. And he took them the
same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was
baptized, he and all his, straightway. " (Acts 16:32-33)
A gospel which promoted institutionalized religion, in which one is
held to be born again due to the very act of baptism, even though the
subject cannot repent and believe, and then is taught they can
eventually become good enough to enter Heaven through the power of
the church, by taking part in rituals which ex opere operato (by the
act itself) convey grace but foster perfunctory professions, and
then typically through purgatory, indulgences and offerings to
departed souls.
A church that conformed to this world in using papal sanctioned
physical oppression torture, burning and death to deal with
theological dissent. Or who, having lost that power, treats notorious
manifestly impenitent public sinners as members in life and in death,
in contrast to the NT means of disfellowship and spiritual
discipline. “I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with
fornicators ....But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put
away from among yourselves that wicked person. " (1 Corinthians
5:13) "Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered
unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. " (1 Timothy
Laws that greatly restricted personal reading of Scripture by laity
(contrary to Chrysostom), if able and available, sometimes even
outlawing it when it was. "And that from a child thou hast known
the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus. " (2 Timothy 3:15) "And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures." (Acts 17:2)
A church that
millions such things as that OT miraculous stories are fables or
folktales, and that some historical accounts may not be literally
accurate (sermon on the mount, etc.) "For as Jonas was three
days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. "
(Matthew 12:40)
A church that taught that the deity Muslims worship (not as unknown)
is the same as theirs. "But I say, that the things which
the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and
I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. " (1
Corinthians 10:20)
The Lord's
supper being the means by which souls gain life in them, or not
“discerning the body” as referring to the elements of the
supper versus
members of the church.
can plead tradition on this, but what so-called "church fathers
believed does not necessarily have any more warrant than some of the
unbalanced views on celibacy versus marriage some had, and the
wresting of Scripture in trying to support them that even Jerome
engaged in. However, one can be a real believer and yet hold to some
errors, a belief in the a "real presence" being one of
there are many more things of contrast that can be added but which
are not necessary restricted to Catholicism, and it must be said
that the real alternative to Catholicism, that of churches which
manifest Scripture (not their church or men) as being supreme and
authoritative as the assured word of God, and preaching salvation by
grace, also has things that are contrary to the NT church. Primarily
these typically are a lack of emphasis on baptism in confessing
Christ (not as being necessary to be born again, but which can be the
occasion of it), the nature of saving faith as effecting holiness in
heart and deed, the laying on of hands in conveyance of the fullness
of the Holy Spirit, (Acts 9:17) and Scriptural operation of all
gifts, and a central magisterium with apostolic holiness and real
spiritual power, and division.
overall essential conformity with Scriptural and the working of Holy
Spirit is far more manifest in evangelical churches than in
Catholicism, which preaches an institutionalized gospel in which
souls are imagined to be born again through the act of baptizing,
even if they have no repentance or faith, and go on to believe they
will finally become good enough to enter Heaven through the power of
the church (rituals, purgatory,
indulgences, prayers
to the departed, etc.). And which can only claim it has
apostolic holiness and real spiritual power, and a central
magisterium with such, while its foundational premise of perpetual
assured infallibility of office is unScriptural. In addition,
Catholicism itself bounds with disagreements, and exists as sects
and in formal division with more than one central magisterium, each
infallibly differing on what Tradition, Scripture and history teach.
More here
on unity.
early church did not teach perpetual assured infallibility of office,
whereby Roman Catholics find assurance, but both the Lord and His
disciples established their claims upon Scriptural substantiation in
word and in power. (Mt. 22:23-45; Lk. 24:27,44; Jn. 5:36,39; Acts
2:14-35; 4:33; 5:12; 15:6-21;17:2,11; 18:28; 28:23; Rm. 15:19; 2Cor.
12:12, etc.)
besides comparison between Catholic and evangelical faith, the
contrast between the church today and that of the book of Acts is one
that calls for mourning and repentance, (James 4:1-12) and a
corporate “dress code” of sackcloth and ashes till we
find mercy and the Lord raises us up to walk toward perfection.
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