Friday, May 6, 2022

Has Russia outlawed any expression of faith apart from the Russian Orthodox, the state church and supporter of Putin


Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church | News ...

Christians are Severely Persecuted in Putin's Russia – But That Could ...

Christian Persecution Increasing in Russia - Christian News Headlines

Report: Non-Orthodox Christians Face 'Strong Discrimination' in Russia

Russia, other former Soviet republics persecuting Christians, new ...

Moscow church destroyed in sign of new Russian repression Posted on Sep 26, 2012 | by Jill Nelson

MOSCOW (BP) -- It was in the early hours of the morning on Sept. 6 when Pastor Vasili Romanyuk's phone rang. A group of men backed by local police were demolishing his Holy Trinity Pentecostal Church, housed in a three-story building nestled in a Moscow suburb. As word spread, congregants arrived at the scene hoping to save the building, but their efforts were futile. By dawn the church was in ruins and some of its most valuable contents were missing.

An isolated incident? A misunderstanding? Analysts watching the current climate in the former Cold War country don't think so: "This destruction of the church is about as concrete of evidence as you can get that something very bad and very troubling is taking place," said Katrina Lantos Swett, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. "This could not have happened without the backing, support, and implicit blessing of the police."

The incident is just one sign of deteriorating freedoms in Russia, and behind the scenes a cozy relationship between the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church has raised more than a few eyebrows. As President Vladimir Putin digs into his third term, a number of Kremlin crackdowns involving vague interpretations of the country's extremism law and other human-rights abuses are troubling signs that the country has slipped into a familiar, repressive era.

"When you have unknown people backed by the police coming out at midnight to begin tearing down a church, you know something doesn't smell right," Lantos Swett said.

Officials evicted Holy Trinity Church from its original building in 1995 and relocated the church to the eastern Moscow suburb. The congregation used its own funds to construct a new building and repeatedly battled officials over permits. The church demolition and its history reflect an emerging pattern: Authorities confiscate land from non-favored religious communities and force the congregation to relocate to a remote suburb, the religious leaders apply for permits that are subsequently denied, and officials confiscate (once again) or demolish the relocated congregation, citing lack of proper documentation.

Pastor Romanyuk and a small group of the church's 550 congregants arrived on site around 3:30 a.m. as about 45 men claiming to be civil volunteers blocked them from the building and threw stones. "When I arrived, I just burst into tears," 25-year-old Natalya Cherevichinik told The Moscow Times as she surveyed the destruction. "I couldn't believe that something that had been built over several years could be destroyed in a few hours."

Russian Evangelicals Leery of Orthodox Church, Friday, December 30, 2011:

class="adjusted">MOSCOW, Russia -- For decades, the Russian Orthodox Church was persecuted under the Soviet Union's Communist Party.

Since the early 1990s, the church has grown in size and influence as its relationship with the Russian government has improved significantly.

However, that cozy relationship worries the country's evangelicals.

Threats Against Evangelicals

For eight years, Yuri Sipko ran one of the largest Baptist organizations in Russia. Now, 20 years after the fall of Communism, he worries about the growing threats against the country's evangelical movement.

"The collapse of Communism was supposed to usher in an era of greater religious freedom, but I'm concerned we are moving in the wrong direction," Sipko said.

What makes the Russian evangelicals very concerned is an emerging relationship between the Russian government and the Russian Orthodox Church.

"For example, the government recently introduced religious classes based on the principals of the Orthodox Church in public schools," Sipko said.

"Then late last year, the Russian president announced an initiative to appoint Orthodox chaplains to all army units," he said. "Our constitution clearly states no religion can be the state religion."

Russia Church-State Relations

Russia watchers credit two men, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev, for elevating the church's prominence. The state media has also played a key role, often showing the leaders attending church services.

Sergey Ryakhovski knows both men well. As head of Russia's Pentecostal Union, he meets regularly with top government and Orthodox Church leaders.

Ryakhovski worries that the Orthodox Church's influence is coming at the expense of religious freedom, especially for minority groups such as Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists.

"There are so many laws and by-laws that regulate religious life in Russia," Ryakhovski said. "For example, evangelical Christians just can't go out and buy a church building or buy a piece of land to build a church."

"Plus, criticizing or challenging the Orthodox Church is not a task for all," he added.

Orthodox Church Revival

The Russian Orthodox Church on the other hand has had it easy in recent times after decades of state persecution.

Church buildings that were destroyed during the Soviet era have been rebuilt with Russian taxpayer money. In the past 20 years, the government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars restoring some 23,000 churches.

Most Russians say they belong to the Orthodox Church. Yet CBN News found mixed reactions on the streets of Moscow to the growing bond between church and state

At Expense of All Others, Putin Picks a Church

By CLIFFORD J. LEVY Published: April 24, 2008


It was not long after a Methodist church put down roots here that the troubles began.

First came visits from agents of the F.S.B., a successor to the K.G.B., who evidently saw a threat in a few dozen searching souls who liked to huddle in cramped apartments to read the Bible and, perhaps, drink a little tea. Local officials then labeled the church a “sect.” Finally, last month, they shut it down.

There was a time after the fall of Communism when small Protestant congregations blossomed here in southwestern Russia, when a church was almost as easy to set up as a general store. Today, this industrial region has become emblematic of the suppression of religious freedom under President Vladimir V. Putin.

Just as the government has tightened control over political life, so, too, has it intruded in matters of faith. The Kremlin’s surrogates in many areas have turned the Russian Orthodox Church into a de facto official religion, warding off other Christian denominations that seem to offer the most significant competition for worshipers. They have all but banned proselytizing by Protestants and discouraged Protestant worship through a variety of harassing measures, according to dozens of interviews with government officials and religious leaders across Russia.

Russia's De-Facto State Religion : Persecution : http://www ...‎ International Christian Co... Putin frequently appears with the Orthodox head, Patriarch Aleksei II, ... Baptists, evangelicals, Pentecostals and many others who cut Christ's robes like bandits, ...

Government Returning Land to Religious Organizations to Favor Orthodox Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009: An ambitious draft law on the transfer of property of religious significance to religious organisations may reignite a process begun in 1993.

Pentecostal Seminary Targeted for Liquidation

Pentecostal Church Forced to Meet Outside in Moscow Winter

Russia: Governor Orders Church Land Grab

Council of Religious Experts threatens religious freedom

A new Inquisition ?

Russia “You have the law, we have orders deleted: Why are so many conservatives bent out of shape about "cancel culture?"

Without any specific explanation and despite appeal, itself censors an answer, and thus it examples a reason as to,  "Why so many conservatives are bent out of shape about "cancel culture"?"

Daniel Hamilton A evangelical seeking to help others as God helps me

Updated Wed [Since this page is now censored at Quora, do not click on numbered source links since (until/unless I change them all) they will take you to a now defunct page, but look for the number in the footnotes below if you want to see the source attribution. Also, new editions after the Quora deletion are in a separate section at the end of the document proper. Note that the liberal “cancel culture” is part of the working of a perversion of all that God has ordained, while the redeemed are those who have come to God as souls as sinners knowing their desperate need of salvation, and not as souls saved by their works or church affiliation, but as destitute of any means or merit whereby they may escape their just judgment and gain eternal life with God. And who thus are baptized and follow their Lord, and repent when they realize that they have failed to. Main web site home page is here, by the grace of God.]

The reason "why"  is much due of the manner of the politically correct basis for "cancel culture, and the level of the adoption of it,  and  the conservative reaction is against what the other side sees or imagines to be right and wrong. 

While some  things such as racism have been manifest among conservatives in the past (and some present), yet two wrongs do not make a right. 

And what is actually Biblically morally correct is what is usually being reproved today by the Left, while actual immorality is sanctioned, and the extremity of today’s ever-increasing politically correct perversity, oversensitivity and its pervasiveness is alarming.

The  issue of what is now censored is one aspect of this trend.  While all cultures engage in censorship to varying degrees, rather than a formal system of jurisprudence and judgments based upon a codified system of traditional basic morality,  to perpetually offended liberals  violations of the ever-morphing values of liberalism are increasingly not those of anything remotely resembling an actual moral offense. 

And which has often resulted in what author Anne Applebaum describes: “Instead of courts, they use secretive bureaucracies. Instead of hearing evidence and witnesses, they make judgments behind closed doors.”[1]

Most of the liberal cancel culture reactions are not actually objectively against racism or injustice in general, and is certainly not that of people boycotting a company for actual moral sins such as supporting the murder of children in quarantine (their mother’s womb), as well as promoting a practice that has historically  been responsible for  approx. 80% of new HIV cases among men, plus a greatly increased incidence of other infectious diseases and premature death, and despite decades of attempting to tame it into being "safe." 

Instead, the Left wantonly claims racism bigotry, injustice while actually engaging in such. For in seeking to obtain and retain power (by presenting themselves as "saviors" of the oppressed) thru the inculcation of the demonic "victim entitlement mentality," then besides magnifying actual injustices,  the Left (as proxy servants of the devil) invent moral offenses (while seeking to negate guilty for actual immorality. 

And increasingly persecutes those who oppose abortion, and homosexual relations, as well as oppose such absurdities as gender being defined by feelings, vs. biology), and support  fairness in employment and enrollment.  

Which is exampled with colleges and corporations and the media (overall) and liberal governments unjustly targeting and censoring and punishing those who oppose the liberal ethos. Which ethos has come to dominate most of American cultural institutions

This was even seen years ago in forcing Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich to resign in response to him making a donation to CA Prop 8 and supporting other conservative issues.

And which extended even to severely, vengefully punishing Jack Phillips of Masterpiece bakery for refusing to be complicit in celebrating a immoral and illegal out-of-state wedding, [2]one that was contrary to his faith/the Bible[3]  (opposing homosexual relationsas well as the highest law of the land, the CO state constitution at that time.

More recently, a survey of hiring managers found that evidence of a job applicant endorsing Donald Trump for president on social media was the number 1 reason to reject such.[4]

In addition, even when one inadvertently, or in a technical sense, utters a politically incorrect word or says something close to it then it increasingly “triggers” the “cancel culture” response network. Such as when:

faculty are punished and publicly vilified for accidentally giving offense:

When the news began circulating on social media, many couldn’t believe it was true––that the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California would remove a longtime professor from a class because a Mandarin word he used correctly in a lesson sounded sort of like a racial slur. …To some students, the Mandarin word, rendered 那个, sounded too much like the N-word for their liking. They sent a letter of complaint to administrators and pressed their grievance in a meeting. Soon after, Patton was removed from the class, investigated, and excoriated in a mass email…

Geoffrey Garrett, the Marshall School’s dean, wrote. “Understandably, this caused great pain and upset among students, and for that I am deeply sorry. It is simply unacceptable for faculty to use words in class that can marginalize, hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students.”

Scores of USC business faculty felt undermined by their dean––and many would only express their concern anonymously for fear of retaliation from students or administrators….

As one professor put it, the treatment of Patton is “farcical,” but part of a larger trend: “Fundamental values––freedom of speech, intellectual freedom, equality––have largely fallen out of fashion in most elite universities, including USC. This has created a climate of terror among faculty…”

The offended students next characterized the “burden” and harms that they purported to suffer. “Our mental health has been affected,” they wrote. “We would rather not take his course than to endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities and by extension creates an unwelcome environment for us Black students…Near the end, their letter invoked the names of two Black people recently killed by police officers…[5]

Other examples abound, with students - future leaders - being offended even by compliments or being simply asked “Where are you from?”[6] But it is this oversensitivity that leads to calls for the offended to be banished, “cancelled.“ Such even extends to believing that foreign food should no longer be called 'exotic' because it reinforces xenophobia and racism.[7]

Google itself has fostered the idea that even promoting being “colorblind” and claiming “All lives matter,” and saying “There’s only one human race,” fall under the category of "covert white supremacy."[8]

Now even the reading of even William Shakespeare is in danger of exclusion.

As is Dr Seuss.[9][10]And while Amazon and Ebay forbid the sale of some Dr. Seuss books yet they market Che Guevara.[11] and Mein Kampf.[12]as well as at least 204 examples of merchandise sold on Amazon that promoted violence, either toward President Donald Trump, Republicans or members of the police force.[13]

And of-course “illegal alien” is even censored, with the AP as well as the WSJ and the US gov. no longer using the term to “illegal immigrant” or such for persons who are in the country illegally in order to avoid labelling people [14][15] [16] 

Moreover, the crisis of March 2021 at the US-Mexico border is not to be referred to as a "crisis," since that would be a negative portrayal.[17] However, any and all persons who oppose homosexual relations - regardless of their rational moral[18] and or medical[19] reasons - are labelled “homophobic,” contrary to its actual meaning.

During Black History Month Amazon even removed “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” a documentary on the only black justice currently serving on the Supreme Court.[20] As of today (2–28–21) it is still “Currently Unavailable” on Amazon which refused to say why.

Some House Democrats even want TV carriers to cease hosting Fox, OAN, and Newsmax. [21]

Then we have other increased corporation censorship of moral views, like that of Amazon removing a book about transgender issues that had been on sale on the platform for about three years. “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,” became no longer available on Amazon nor on its Kindle and Audible platforms, and the company declined to provide specifics regarding its decision, but broadly covers it censorship under such terms as “other material we deem inappropriate or offensive.”[22]

And a CNN reporter asserts that it is not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth,[23] while a Spanish policeman was suspended by Twitter for 12 hours after he responded to a news article and tweeted that men do not have the biological ability to become pregnant.[24] And then there college students who fault the classic tune "Frosty the Snowman" for failing to be gender inclusive.[25]

Likewise, State University of New York (SUNY) suspended an education student from mandatory teaching programs for posting Instagram videos in which the universities inclusivity doctrine is violated such as by the common sense statement, “A man is a man, a woman is a woman. A man is not a woman and a woman is not a man.”[26]

And overseas, Norway's parliament outlawed language that dehumanises LGBTQ persons (which perhaps could include using Biblical terms), which could result in a fine or up to a year in jail for private remarks and a maximum of three years in jail for public comments.[27] And then we have Muhammad being removed from a new translation of Dante’s inferno in order to make the text more “more pleasant and accessible.”[28]

Then there are other examples such as the Oregon Department of Education promoting a program for teachers that seeks to dismantle “racism in mathematics;” alleging that focusing on finding the right answer is a symbol of white supremacy;[29] and rejecting passing proficiency in math testing on the basis of this being a form of racial discrimination[30] [31](thus giving special treatment on the basis of skin color). Which new trend is consistent with the Iowa City School District promoting “Ethnomathematics” and “queer history” and exploring “Herstory” and ideas of intersectiionlity…[32] As well as teaching “Coming Out and Pronouns Days” for middle-schoolers, and teaching children as young as 5 that they can be “trans” and “non-binary.”[33]

Then there is Disney warning the Muppets contain 'offensive content' and which can only be seen on an adult account;[34] banning Peter Pan and Dumbo for those under 7;[35] wanting to fine stores $1,000 for having separate boys and girls sections.[36] And even using chopsticks fonts is deemed to be racist,[37] which talking about the Wuhan lab leak theory has been linked to.[38]

Next, there is Nancy Pelosi banning gendered terms such as “father, mother, son, and daughter, [39] and at least one NYC school recommending students stop using ('mom' or 'dad'),[40] and a professor at Aston University in Birmingham U.K. university is encouraging students to stop using such words as layman, manmade, mastercopy, civilization because it believes they have sexist or racist connotations, while a judged ordering the the arrest of a father after calling his biological female child his "daughter," and referring to her with the pronouns "she" and "her."[41]

In addition, the University of York canceled the three wise monkeys as being an oppressive racial stereotype. [42] Yet promoting the idea that white babies and toddlers are racist is politically correct[43] (for imputing guilt to a class of people due to them being born with politically incorrect skin color or nationality is considered correct).

Meanwhile, the Federal the Bureau of Prisons may house inmates according to their transgender status, and requires the use of gender-neutral communication for transgender inmates, and the providing of gender-affirming hormone therapy and medical treatment and psychotherapy as well as end-stage transitional surgery.[44] [45]

The (far Left) Washing Post promotes such teaching as that one should feel guilty for having a certain color of skin (deep shame for being of such color due to what many of that race in the past did regardless of those who opposed it, with whom you agree), and denying that any anti-racial culture exists among such race, and who are not qualified to teach on the issue since they are not affected by it - which racism the video actually fosters.[46] Meanwhile ignoring how the declension of the family of the race at issue[47] [48] with its resultant negative effects[49] [50] is ignored or denied as being mainly due to liberal ethos.[51]

Meanwhile now even bicycle helmet laws are charged with being racist,[52] along with soap dispensers,[53] while the term "quantum supremacy" should be abandoned because it shares a word with the term "white supremacy "[54] and requiring dress codes is also said to be overly sexist and racist.[55] As is flying the American flag (and such persons as do so are also dangerous). [56] Moreover, failing to give credit to creators of dance moves is politically incorrect (only) if the skin color of the creators is politically correct. [57]

In addition, under the “new normal” then even using the word “normal” is now to be avoided (at least in personal care products) since that is said to makes most people feel excluded. [58]Even the term “trigger warning” is on a list of words to be avoided, along with words such as “addict,” “victim/survivor,” “disabled person,” “ladies and gentlemen,” “rule of thumb,” picnic,” etc., despite some alleged connotations being dubious.[59] Meanwhile, publishing beef recipes is now on an excluded list under the premise of combatting Climate Change.

Other examples of racism (even if under the premise of combatting it), double standards, indoctrination and persecution by this “cancel culture” that are reacted against abound.[60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76]

However, we have liberal attorney generals who believe that criminal charges are to be declined for traditional crimes such as wanton or malicious destruction of property, assaulting a police officer, shoplifting, receiving stolen property, etc.[77] 

And as regards speech, profuse profanity and vulgar language is widely sanctioned, even here in Quora, and derogatory expressions of Christ are protected speech, regardless (or because of) how it offends believers.

But which will be part of their judgment of damnation unless they come to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus who died for them, and rose again. May all do so.


Added section after Quora deletion:


As part of the demonic plan to pervert all that God has ordained, in dishonoring parents, not only does the Left militate against the normative role of women as being married and child-bearing, but as a trend children are no longer referred to according to their biological gender, [78][79][80] — which can even extend to gender sections in schools 081][82] - but without parental consent those under 18, sometime even preteens, they can obtain puberty blockers and/or hormone treatment in seeking to change their identity. [83][84][85]

The parents of three eighth-grade boys were notified their sons were being charged by school district officials with sexual harassment for not referring to the student’s requested pronouns of “they” and “them.”  [87]  Which compelled speech is increasingly endorsed by adolescents and institutions.[88] 

In May 2022, the Biden administration announced  [89] that ) announced  that it will interpret Title IX  prohibition on sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on discrimination   to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,  which can extend to requiring allowing  boys into girls’ private areas (bathrooms showers)  in order to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks K-12 Schools. For as  regarding the  Title IX    Protections Against Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity, the  government states, 

"The Commission has taken the position that employers may not deny an employee equal access to a bathroom, locker room, or shower that corresponds to the employee’s gender identity."  [90]

Regional Health Equity Coalition Program Manager Danielle Droppers  of The Oregon Health Authority (OHA)  informed the community that a scheduled conversation between OHA officials and relevant members of the public would not take place as planned,  stating that  "urgency is a white supremacy value  that can get in the way of more intentional and thoughtful work."  [91]

A Washington state school board director who is a   "sex coach" and  runs a  "woman-owned, identity-inclusive sex shop"  announced she will teach sex education classes as part of an event billed the "Uncringe Academy." for children as young as 9 on topics such as "sexual anatomy for pleasure," "Gender and sexual identities," "Safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities." [92]

Meanwhile,  the American Civil Liberties Union won a suit against and the New Jersey Department of Corrections,    which resulted in New Jersey enacting  a policy to allow prisoners to   serve time in facilities in accordance with their self-declared gender identity, versus their biological sex. Which unsurprisingly resulted in a  biological male being housed in a women's-only prison, and  two women at Edna Mahan becoming pregnant after "consensual sexual relationships with another incarcerated person." [93] 

Yet New Jersey proceeded to place another biological male, a convicted child pornographer, in the  same women's-only prison. [94]

Going even further Left, a growing movement seeks to stop   anthropologists from identifying human remains as ‘male’ or ‘female’ or according to race.  [95]

Then we have another example of the prohomosexual movement working to pervert souls beginning with the very young, as many of the  Portland Public School's K-5 classrooms have adopted propaganda which   teaches that traditional gender identification (meaning  as based upon biology) is attacked, by  blaming it   on white Europeans   forcing this upon the people. 

Instead, what is being foisted upon innocent children is that  of a curriculum which begins in kindergarten with an anatomy lesson featuring graphic drawings of children’s genitalia, and lesson that  avoids the terms “boy” and “girl” in favor  of the assertion that “Any gender and kid can have any type of body”  “Only you can know what your gender is,” since  Gender identity is about how you feel about yourself inside. Thus they are told that they can change their name to match who they are, with pronouns such as “they/them” and “ze/zir. 

In third through fifth grade, the curriculum teaches that the categories of “man” and “woman”  is a form of “oppression”  used to  punish “LGBTQIA2S+” people and  and encourages  the students subjects of its perversity to inhabit “the infinite gender spectrum." And which also  provides a detailed explanation of how to “pause puberty” through “hormones and/or surgeries." [96]

While  the use of  profanity and vulgarity  abounds in Western colleges and universities, in Harvard (and no doubt many others)  undergraduate students in a mandatory Title IX training session are taught that   language such as falls under  the subjective definition of  "sizeism and fatphobia," "cisheterosexism," "racism," "transphobia," "ageism," and "ableism."  "Fatphobia" and "cisheterosexism"  is targeted as wrong,  and  using the wrong pronouns" (meaning referring to one according to their biological gender) constitutes "abuse."  "Any words used to lower a person’s self-worth" are "Verbal Abuse." [97]     (Although broadly maligning all who for Biblical moral reasons oppose homosexual relations as "homophobic - and abuse of the word  -   and "racist" who oppose race-based hiring and employment discrimination is no doubt sanctioned.)  

Consistent with this perversion  is the  case of female students at a Vermont high school being reportedly  banned from using their  girls' locker room after someone  objected to a transgender student changing there. That  problem is a result of a rule by the Vermont Agency of Education which states, “A transgender student should not be required to use a locker room or restroom that conflicts with the student’s gender identity.” But which  resulted in  biological females being pressured to use a locker room with biological males. The  schools has banned students from using their  girls' locker room as it  investigates the issue.  [98]

Then we have another example by "Big Tech" of increasing censorship   of ever-morphing politically incorrect speech via the expanded use of ambiguous and terms that enable subjective judgments of what is considered  "harmful" or "objectionable." While "Terms of Service"  type agreements often use ambiguous language, as posted here for example that enable such judgments, they can be expected to become more expansive, and punitive, 

This is what PayPal exampled  in announcing  an updated Acceptable Use Policy, effective Nov. 3, 2022, that,

"You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:....." “Involve the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful ... or objectionable … (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics (e.g. ... religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) … (g) .... promote misinformation … or (i) are otherwise unfit for publication.”

The update also stated,

"Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a violation of the PayPal User Agreement and may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation..."[99] [100]

Obviously, since even posting what the Bible states regarding false gospels as well as illicit sexual unions and effects thereof can be subjectively judged in "PayPal’s sole discretion" as "harmful" or "objectionable" then this policy effectively can work to silence those whom PayPal autocratically judges to be politically objectionable.

And while PayPal later said that it will not fine $2500 users who engage in “misinformation” or “hatred” against protected identities," and that this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy,  yet PayPal effectively did not remove   fining people for misinformation, and while  it changed "activities that.... are harmful ... or objectionable … (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics, " into forbidding "the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory," yet this can  be subjectively defined as per the former descriptions.   

PayPal Acceptable Use Policy now states,

Prohibited Activities You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:...relate to transactions involving... (f) the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.

Yet in PayPal subjective "sole discretion" it broad ambiguous terms such in "the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory" can easily translate into what was previously ambiguously described as activities that:....." “Involve the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful ... or objectionable … (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics (e.g. ... religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) …

And as the PayPal User Agreement also states outlined in the User Agreement,

you must adhere to the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy. Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a violation of the PayPal User Agreement and may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation, which may be debited directly from your PayPal account(s) as outlined in the User Agreement (see “Restricted Activities and Holds” section of the PayPal User Agreement).

And the Restricted Activities and Holds” section of the PayPal User Agreement currently  states,

If you’ve violated our Acceptable Use Policy, then you’re also responsible for damages to PayPal caused by your violation of this policy..You acknowledge and agree that $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation of the Acceptable Use Policy is presently a reasonable minimum estimate of PayPal’s actual damages - including, but not limited to, internal administrative costs incurred by PayPal to monitor and track violations, damage to PayPal’s brand and reputation, and penalties imposed upon PayPal by its business partners resulting from a user’s violation - considering all currently existing circumstances, including the relationship of the sum to the range of harm to PayPal that reasonably could be anticipated because, due to the nature of the violations of the Acceptable Use Policy, actual damages would be impractical or extremely difficult to calculate. PayPal may deduct such damages directly from any existing balance in any PayPal account you control.

Moreover, the "Restricted Activities" in the above section includes providing,

"false, inaccurate or misleading information" as one of the violations which can result in disciplinary PayPal actions, "If we believe in our sole discretion that you have breached this agreement or violated the Acceptable Use Policy." ]
Thus it remains that it is quite possible for PayPal to engage in the degree of punitive censorship that resulted in an outcry and PayPal modifying its Acceptable Use Policy. [101] [102] [103]

And as regards the topic of   inciting   discrimination of   individuals or groups based on  gender or gender identity, one wonders if such reports of the following would be judged as doing so.  Which is the warning on promoting perversity, that   "if  Michigan's Proposal 3 passes, children will have a right under the Michigan constitution to walk into one of Planned Parenthood’s 12 so-called “gender affirming” facilities in the state and, without parental knowledge or consent, obtain puberty blockers."   The Proposal   would "also give boys a constitutional right to be castrated and girls the right under Michigan’s constitution to be sterilized." Children in will  not  even need to leave their house in order to to obtain  sterilizing drugs. [104]   

Related to this perversion, is that of Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic at Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital providing “evidence-based, personalized gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents” which "care" refers to the practice of physical manipulation and  mutilation in sex-change procedures, which, at least in 2020, included   giving  irreversible hormone drugs to children as young as 13. 

Moreover, in explaining policy, Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that conscientious objectors who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to  religious beliefs would face "consequences,"and thus should not work at Vanderbilt. [105] [106] 

Which is a progression of what has been going on for years.  Back in 2018  not assigning children's gender based upon biology, but instead treating this unknown until the parent judges that child has chosen what sex it is resulted in  raising so-called "theybies."  [107]

Meanwhile, in the academic realm, a  national survey found that 59% of students fear disagreeing with professor publicly, while  41% of students were uncomfortable disagreeing with a professor in a written assignment.  depending on the speaker, opposition to allowing controversial conservative speakers on campus ranged from 59% to 73%, while opposition to controversial liberal speakers ranged from 24% to 41%.
“Similarly, 48% of students were uncomfortable expressing their views on a controversial political topic on campus, while 60% were uncomfortable expressing unpopular opinions to fellow students on social media.”

In addition, even the Cambridge Dictionary  expanded its dictionary of "man"  to mean "an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth"  (meaning according to biology). [109]

Then there is   a “Philosopher of happiness” at  prestigious Oxford University who postulates  that lifeguards/doctors, etc. should not save souls if they eat meat. Which sets a dangerous precedent of pricipal. [110] 

On the other hand, students at the University of Massachusetts will now have access to chemical abortion pills on campus from the University Health Services (UHS due to    a new law, sponsored by Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D), which requires all UMass health centers to dispense abortion pills with financial assistance from taxpayers. [111] 

Going back to the topic of education again, there is the recent example of "wokism" in the realm of so-called "higher education, in which the demonic tactic of obtaining power as a liberator by constantly instilling a bitter victim mentality/identity, via a preoccupation with imagined or magnified oppression (as with the devil against God; Hitler versus Jews; Stalin toward the West), that of injustice, in order to justify rebellion against the real or   imagined oppressors whereby the supposed liberators obtain power  in order to enslave     (in contrast to principled dissent in order to actually provide principled liberty) is fostered under the guise of wordcraft liberation.  Such as,

"transfeminist... anticolonial...taxonomizing apparatus...animates the liberatory potential of imagining embodied relations,...leverage critiques against normativity... Taking our transnational cue from subjugated knowledges and intersectional epistemologies, we’ll constellate the diverging genealogies...Against the traffic of binary opposition, we’ll index....performativity...and rewrite texts that interrogate and complicate..." [112]  

The author is Brianna Thompson,in  Reading and Writing Gender and Sexuality, and who  teaches courses in American women’s literature, queer theory and utopias/Afrofuturism at  Kenyon College.

Which woke-wordcraft is part of a broad attack on what God most fundamentally ordained (alluded to in wokespeak by such terms are as "binary opposition"), in which God made man and women distinctively different (attacked as "taxonomizing apparatus") yet uniquely compatible and complementary, and only joined them together in marriage - as the Lord Jesus Himself specified () - and Scripture only condemns homosexual relations wherever they are manifestly dealt with
Yet there is still room at the cross for all who will come to God in repentance and faith, and trust in the Divine Son of God sent by the Father, the risen Lord Jesus, to save them on His account, by His sinless shed blood, and thus be baptized and live for Him. Biblical morality

A main normative aspect of his complementarianism with its limited positional and functional distinctions is that of the unique child-bearing capability and role of the female as a normative fruit of the union with her husband, with whom and under his leadership children are raised.  And with children normally being plural, versus contraception which fosters liberal feminism, preventing the women from being what the women is uniquely designed and equipped to do, and often resulting in working to further pervert what God has wisely set forth by design and decree, in principle and in precepts. 

Also in the realm of "higher education" is the "The Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative" (EHLI)  to address harmful language  in IT at Stanford. Which lists   potentially harmful words and phrases that should be   avoided,  and suggests innocuous replacements, at least in Stanford websites and code.

None of which potentially harmful words or  phrases are those of traditional profanity and vulgarity, nor any other which may offend Christians, but phrases and words that include,  "normal person,"  "trigger warning,"  "submit," "abort,"  "survivor," "user," "homeless person," "disabled person,"   "webmaster," "crack the whip,"  "take a shot at," "straight," "seminal,"  "mankind," "manmade,"    "congressman/congresswoman,"  "fireman/firemen," "grandfather,"  "guys," "ladies," "white paper," "whitelist," "Hispanic," "African-American,"   "brown bag," "hold down the fort,"   "chief," "Indian summer," "tribe," etc.  [113]   

Now we actually have some  scientists asserting that  ‘Binary terms’ as male and female, man, woman, mother, father should not be used.  The recommendation is one of many made by the EEB (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Language Project, which includes scientists in the United States and Canada Yet rather than this recommendation being based upon science, namely biology, it is imaginatively  justified as being warranted since  "much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy," and thus these censorious recommended that instead, biologists use terms such as “sperm-producing” or “egg-producing” to avoid reinforcing “heteronormative views.”    [114]   

Actually, as proxy servants of the devil, who works to pervert all that God established - which is to man's good - these  academics (better called actually  political scientists, from universities including Harvard, Princeton and the University of California) they war is against the Creator who   God made man and women, obviously  distinctively different yet uniquely compatible and complementary, and only joined them together in marriage - as the Lord Jesus Himself specified (Mt. 19:4–6) -  and Scripture only condemns homosexual relations wherever they are manifestly dealt with.  

Yet public universities and colleges are requiring (or promoting) new students to take diversity and inclusion courses,  one  being  The State University of New York which will require of all freshmen throughout the 64-campus college system  to  take a course, called "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice,"  beginning in fall 2023.  Political science professor at SUNY's Suffolk Community College Nicholas Giordano is one of few (an endangered species) who object to this,  stating interview with the New York Post. "SUNY is one of the best university systems in the country. Why are they doing this?" “DEISJ is a cultural movement, not based on academics." "Unfortunately, SUNY responded to the mob.” [115]

With such "woke" ideology increasingly  replacing traditional commonsensical natural and Biblical ideology, especially in colleges,  it is no wonder that and even as far back as 2015, a study of   67,308 students across 108 American colleges and universities during the spring of 2015 found that 1 in 4 college students were diagnosed with mental health condition, and  75 percent of students at U.S. colleges said they battled significant stress in the past year, leading 1 in 5 to consider suicide. [116

It is also not surprising that a North Korea Defector has compared ‘Woke’ education in America to the indoctrination of the regime she escaped, stating that  the leftist ‘woke’ ideology that has infected American education is frighteningly similar to what she fled. [117]

Consistent with the above and with Wokeducation, A school district in Colorado hired a self-proclaimed “genderqueer shapeshifter” and “witch” to conduct staff training on “transgender” issues. The training would also cover “sex assigned at birth vs. gender identity vs. gender expression.” [118]

Then, coming from what can be called the "fringe" of the woke Left, but which often is a precursor for such becoming its part of its mainstream, is another diatribe from the elite  liberal university sphere,  asserting that ideals of  neatness, cleanliness and order,  with an organized, stocked  pantries represent a racist, sexist social structure.    "What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures, which is part of her  animus against "mothering ideology that equates being a good mom with time-intensive, labor-intensive, financially expensive care work."  [119]

As if neatness, cleanliness and order and being  industrious in mothering (and in a marriage) should not be held as an ideal, vs. the opposite, though this does not require spending a lot of money. See  which  such liberal elites would  scorn, esp. many in lofty thrones of academia.

Meanwhile, as part of the  promotion of perversion even on a pediatric level, some major medical schools  have and are fostering  the sexual transitioning of toddlers and training future primary care doctors on how to engage in the experimental treatment, which is actually  that of bodily mutalation

Duke Medicine opened its Gender Clinic in 2015 to offer a wide variety of services under one roof. The clinic treats children as young as two for gender dysphoria.

Dr. Deanna Adkins runs the clinic, is a transgender activist who  in an interview with the Charlotte Observer in 2016 stated she has transgender patients as young as 2. “They are not old enough to consciously just choose to do that. … It is not a choice in any of my patients. [120]

In supposed expert declaration to a federal district court in North Carolina concerning H.B. 2 Adkins stated, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.” “It is counter to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female.”  [120]  

In addition, at UNC Health, medical school residents offer cross sex hormones for free every third Wednesday, while children as young as three can be evaluated for gender dysphoria and practices "gender affirming care" (gender transitioning).

While treatment does not include any drug or surgical intervention before puberty, it is an expected preparation for both. [121] 

As are elevated rates of suicide. Approximately 41% of transgender people attempt suicide at least once in their lives compared to the rate of 5% in the general population. [122]  

 Along with this,  in response to lobbying from a campus group that, in its own words, fights "for inclusivity, menstrual equality, and the de-stigmatization of menstruation and periods," Emerson College will provide menstrual products in all its bathrooms – including men's and gender-neutral restrooms,   allocating  $7,000 per year for them. [123] 

Note: to save time and scrolling, from now on I will post the source link after the report, together with a footnote number. 

And we also read of parents [Nevada] being forced to sue school district for allowing a student to be required to read sexually explicit monologue bout two lesbians, meanwhile while  Illinois passed a bill to defund libraries that keep sexually explicit books (among others) away children.   H B 2789  indicates materials should not be forbidden or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval  or that  prohibits the practice of banning specific books or resources.”  [124]

Yet  a Arizona library  censored a local resident from hosting a Christian book reading, but relented in response to a religious liberty law firm’s demand letter. [126]

 The Bible itself has been pulled for review in a number of districts,  but restored later. [127]

But as regards restricting information, the Biden administration promoted a document that "tells Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-funded family planning offices how to talk to minors about sex without their parents overhearing, and how to secretly deliver birth control to adolescents without parental knowledge or consent.

Federally-funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, “Are you alone in the room?” These instructions specify tactics to follow “if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent” to leave the room during the sex talk.

 They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation. And they encourage offices to have vans roam neighborhoods giving minors federally funded contraceptives; to mail birth control to adolescents in “plain, unmarked packaging;” and/or to have teenagers receive contraceptives at public meet-up places." [128]

In addition,  the Oregon Department of Human Services’   denied Jessica Bates,  “a single mother of five wishing to adopt siblings from foster care because of her Christian beliefs, specifically, because she could not agree  to a state law requiring prospective adoptive parents to “respect, accept and support” the “sexual orientation, gender identity, [and] gender expression” of the children they seek to adopt. 

As she underwent the necessary training to become an adoptive parent, an instructor informed Bates that “adoptive and resource parents must use a child’s stated pronouns and affirm a child’s gender identity if the child’s identity does not align with their biological sex.” Additionally, the instructor provided an example of how a parent could “support a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity” by “allowing a child to dress however they want and taking them to a Pride parade.” [129]

Then we have the case of a Christian teacher being banned from the classroom for ‘misgendering’ student.  In the United Kingdom the Teaching Regulation Agency judged that  a math teacher Joshua Sutcliffe had engaged in “unprofessional conduct” and accused him of “bringing the profession into disrepute"  because he misgendered a biologically female student, referred to as Pupil A, who identifies as a male. Sutcliffe was also determined to have failed in his duties as a teacher after he appeared on ITV’s “This Morning” show to talk about his suspension from Cherwell in 2017 and for showing a video about masculinity by PragerU, a conservative nonprofit, to students. [130]

Likewise,  A Christian couple in Australia have launched legal action after they were banned from becoming foster carers due to their biblical views on LGBT issues. Despite an initially favourable report, their application was later refused on the grounds that their views would not ensure ‘a safe living environment’.  [131]

Along with such, along with  a district elementary school  handing  out rainbow t-shirts to its students, approximately 60 students at a Kansas City high school walked out of classes Wednesday to protest a veteran teacher who had written a op-ed criticizing school diversity policies and allegedly doesn’t use students’ “preferred” pronouns. Caedran Sullivan stated that teachers were told to refer to students by the preferred pronouns, “but hide from the parents the fact that their minor children are transitioning at school.”  [132]

In addition, related to promoting not simply affirming persons based upon such non-moral aspects of race,  but the immoral  and unhealthy and overall harmful deleterious LGBTQ lifestyle,  the State University of New York system  announced expanded “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice” requirements for every degree program starting in fall 2023, which are  required to earn a degree, even in departments outside liberal arts such as math, science and engineering. [133]

Meanwhile, Target Corporation was been found "partnering with a K-12 education group for which focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their child's in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools for free, and integrating gender ideology at all levels of curriculum in public schools.  [133] [via Fox]

Consistent with this, The University of Oregon is offering an “emergency fund” for trans-identified students to attain “gender affirming resources,” including sex toys and “trans vocal lessons.” [134]

And as concerns education of youth,   According to an investigation that was conducted by the Telegraph, schools in the UK are now allowing children to identify as all sorts of things… At a state secondary school in Wales, one student is said to ‘meow’ when asked questions by a teacher, rather than answering in English, the Telegraph reports.

In other schools, one apparently insists on being addressed as a dinosaur, one claims to identify as a horse while another is said to wear a cape and demands to be acknowledged as a moon.     [135]

Such programming resulted in  a 13-year-old girl being called “despicable” by her progressive, inclusively  exclusive (of those who disagree), and  teacher at a Church of England school in the United Kingdom after asking a classmate “How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?” A video clip, taken by one of the students, shows the teacher remarking, “How dare you, you’ve just really upset someone” by “questioning their identity.” To which the student replies: “If they want to identify as a cat or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.” 

The teacher proceeds to each that, “there are lots of genders – there is transgender, there is a gender who are people who don’t believe that they have a gender at all.”  And that to hold that one is  identified based upon the sexual organ they were born with "is really despicable." [136]

Meanwhile,   largest public school district in Washington State is referring students in the district to free "gender-affirming care," which includes   hormone-blocking medications and referrals for sex change surgeries,   through Community healthcare agencies which  independently operate School-Based Health Centers in spaces provided by Seattle Public Schools (SPS)According to SPS's “Gender-Inclusive Schools: Transgender and Gender-Expansive Student Rights and Supports,” district staff “should not disclose a student’s transgender or gender X status to others unless (1) legally required to do so or (2) the student has authorized disclosure.” 

Last year  research  found that over the course of only three years there was an 853 percent increase in students that identify as non-binary in the SPS district[137]

Related to this movement, The American Medical Association (AMA) has actually  suggested that taxpayers should subsidize uterus transplants worth up to $300,000 to help transgender women.  [138]

In another instance of professionals fostering moral degeneration,  the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association  are continuing their efforts to push acceptance of immoral and deleterious  homosexual relations and   gender  dysphoria and  transitioning,  while vehemently opposing legislation that protects students from sexually graphic content. As part of this,   the NEA union released an “LGBTQ Toolkit”  in June, while  the AFT adopted a resolution on LGBTQ+ issues which favors “age-appropriate and inclusive” bathroom and locker room policies, which promote biological me to sharing restrooms and locker rooms with  teenage girls.  The AFT also coached its members on how to inject gender identity politics into classroom teaching, including  “Affirming LGBTQIA+ Identities in and out of the Classroom” and “The TGNCNB [transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary] Inclusive School and Classroom. [138]

An earlier  egregious example of what has becoming the new norm,  writer Emily Goldstein asserts that 

Diversity IS about getting rid of white people, and that’s a good thing....White people do not have a right to exist...Eliminate whiteness and you eliminate every single form of oppression that the world currently faces...The only way to eliminate racism, white privilege, and white supremacy is to eliminate whiteness altogether. When I teach my students about human rights, critical race theory, and the role of whites in worldwide oppression, my white students often ask me how they can “atone” for the evils of whiteness...Despite what white supremacists often claim, white people do not have a “culture” [139]

This expression of irrationality, by a teacher no less, is both a negative illustration of American education as well as radical racism. What this teacher is ignorant of   is that morality is not genetic, and thus white people are far from all being racist, although she is, and leaders of abolition were white. 

In addition, all races  have engaged in the very things she makes white people wholly consisting  Is she really ignorant of the widespread practice of slavery in Africa from ancient times? Does she count the Aztecs as white (contrary to standard classification), if not,  is she ignorant of their barbarism.  And does she think American Indians were all living in peace and harmony? "During the four centuries between the arrival of Columbus and the beginning of the twentieth century, some 2.5 to 5 million Native people were enslaved." With plenty of wars as well.   Does she consider Asians as white, or is she ignorant of the extreme brutality among them? Muslims as well.  

Moreover, this product  of the Left also must be willingly ignorant  that culture (which she incredibly denies whites even have), beginning with the family, and with its religious and  ideological aspects, forms character, and along with  environmental challenges and competition, aspects of character can foster both industrious character and education and  advancement in technology, with both being  destructive as well as  beneficial for all. 

And the ideology of the Left has worked to foster decline of the American black family, and negatively affected character, which it has done to immigrants who become dependant on it.  

 And in the past while Africans were dealing with their challenges, which included tribal conflict and slavery under primitive religion,  Europeans were working to overcome a harsher climate, and often prolonged  wars under formal governments, and  advancing in education  and developing technology, which was both used for oppression as well as liberation from deleterious conditions.

And which means non-whites also developed and used for both  destructive as well as  beneficial purposes. 

 The reality is all races and ethnicities have positive and negative aspects, but  that racism is irrational, since genetics  and skin color do not determine morality, and  the real problem is the heart. 

Which  God radically changes when souls comes to deep repentance and effectual faith in the risen Son of God to save them on His account, by His sinless shed blood, and follow Him. Which is what this radical teacher needs.

Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. (Colossians 3:9-13) 

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. (Revelation 5:9-10)



[48] http:// 

[77] Rachael Rollins for Suffolk DA | Charges To Be Declined

[78] Why teachers can’t call kids ‘boys and girls’ anymore [2014]

[79] NC school to teachers: Don't call students 'boys and girls

[80] Disney Caves To Liberal Gender Ideologues,

[81]Target Will Stop Separating ‘Girls’ Toys From ‘Boys’ Toys ..

[82] California bill would eliminate "boys" and ... - CBS News

[83] New California Law Allows Children to Get Transgender Treatments Without Parental Consent

[84] When can a minor access health care without parental consent?

[85] Kids younger than 16 will be allowed to take puberty blockers without parents’ consent, says UK court










[95] Christian Schneider - Senior College Fix Reporter July 18, 2022 (link excluded due foul language in quote by liberal]



























 [122 ]  March 2020


In  addition to the above are the list of   perversions developing in the liberal corruption of the armed forces.   Including:

 The Pentagon Forming a Diversity and Inclusion Office, and

allowing transgenders to serve in the military,

and with the Pentagon even ensuring free gender reassignment surgery for active military personnel,

with Army mandatory training now including training Army personnel to know what to do in such scenarios as when a soldier who was "assigned" a biological gender at birth says he/she identifies as another gender, and lives as such in off-duty hours, but is not requesting to be treated as such while on duty, versus if such later requests to be identified as according to their chosen gender during duty hours, and/or experiences increased distress relating to his/her gender identity;

while apparently as part of the Naval Sea Systems Command Inclusion & Engagement Council’s Diversity Team's video series called “NAVSpEAks,” the Navy posts video on "the importance of using correct pronouns as well as polite etiquette when you may not be sure of someone's pronouns"

and the Air Force being with WOKEism in creating 'LGBTQ' and 'Indigenous Nations Equality' Focus Groups,

and also authorizing the use of gender pronouns in signature blocks,

while the Army arms itself with a woke recruitment ad featuring lesbians at a gay wedding and an LGBTQ pride march,

and the CIA funds a 'cisgender millennial with anxiety disorder' campaign, and with the

Marines and Navy as well as the Air Force and Army posting messages on social media supporting gay pride and Pride Month,

with the former posting rainbow bullets, and the latter a rainbow colored arm and hand in salute (essentially to the flag of Sodom)

and with the Navy naming a military ship after gay rights leader Harvey Milk, and (now) with a transgender veteran christening it,

along with the Navy's first all gay U.S. Navy helicopter crew,

to lower fitness standards for women

while nearly half of female soldiers are still failing the new Army Fitness Test,

yet calling for Increased Diversity and More Women in Combat,

and changing its song to be gender-neutral,

and Forcing Marines to Make Boot Camp Coed,

and feeding cadets cultural Marxist propaganda about gender and masculinity therein,

to its new diversity and inclusion operation from West Point

and for its Special Operations Command ,

while showing a rapid response readiness to engage in online combat with the likes of Tucker Carson and other such enemies

thus nuking Jesus-themed candies on an Air Force bases

as well as the Pentagon ordering a company to stop making faith-based Dog Tags,

and prohibiting service members from “liking” or reposting "extremist" views on social media (depending on all the circumstances involved) as part of its prohibition against actively engaging in extremist activities,

yet allowing turbans and hijabs in the Air Force,

while working to rid the military of “extremism

such as the head of the US Space Force unit being fired and put under investigation for criticizing Critical Race Theory

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens. ()